Configure Sendcloud Connector¶
Let’s begin with the configurations.
Configure Shipping partner¶
To configure shipping partner in Odoo, navigate to New.
and click on
Use Operation For: Choose meaningful name for your account (e.g. Sendcloud) .
Partner: Choose sendcloud.
Public Key: Enter your sendcloud account public key.
Secret Key: Enter your sendcloud account secret key.
Now click on Get Integration Details button for get integration details from sendcloud.
Integration: Select the SendCloud integration that you have configured for Odoo.
Ship From: Select the country from which the shipment will be dispatched.
Now click on Retrieve shipping products and Retrieve sender address buttons for get products and sender address from sendcloud.
Click the Sender Address button to view sender addresses.
Now click on Delivery Methods and click on New or navigate to and click on New.
See also
Configure Delivery Method¶

Delivery Method: Choose meaningful name for delivery method (e.g. Sendcloud Domestic or Sendcloud International).
Provider: Choose sendcloud.
Shipping Partner: Select shipping partner which you configure.
Delivery Type: Specify whether the delivery method is for Domestic or International shipments.
Sendcloud Product: : Choose shipping product. Refer shipping products
Service: You can specify a service, which will be used when sending the shipment to SendCloud. If no service is specified, the system will automatically select a service within the appropriate weight range based on the order weight when sending the shipment data to SendCloud.
Default Package Type: Set the default package type for shipments. If no package type is chosen in the delivery order, this one will be applied automatically.
Apply Shipping Rule: Enable this to apply configured shipping rules before generating the label and announcing the parcel.
Use Delivery Method In Sale Order¶

Shipping Method: Choose the shipping method which you configure for sendcloud.
Total order weight: It automatically calculates order weight based on selected product in sale order or you can enter manually.
Get Rate:: Click this button to fetch the shipping rate from SendCloud based on the selected delivery method and order details.
Click on Add button to add shipping charge in sale order
Use Delivery Method In Website Order¶

Configure Delivery Order¶
Configuring Packages by doing Put in Pack Operation in case if you are using multiple packages.

Carrier: Choose the shipping method which you configure for sendcloud.
Ship From(Sendcloud): Choose sender address.
Click on Validate button to ship order.
Tracking and shipping information in delivery order.¶

View shipments in SendCloud.¶

Realtime Tracking.¶